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Where I Stand

I have considerable experience in local government, a former Public Library District Trustee, Village Clerk and currently a Town Board Supervisor since July, 2010. It is well known that I am fiercely independent, sometimes standing alone to vote my conscience and never wavering from my core principle of being beholden to no individual or special interest group. Rather, I consider myself accountable only to you, the taxpayers and residents of the 28th district.


Call me old fashioned, but I still believe that government’s main function is to protect its citizens. That is why the county board needs to focus on core public safety issues, such as increasing our rural patrol deputies, finally achieving a fully staffed 911 center, bring the DANECOM system to fruition  and increasing repairs to our disintegrating county road system.

Issues Facing Dane County
As the Dane County road network deteriorates, the whole county loses major assets build up over years, assets created with vast amounts of taxpayer money, time and effort. This deterioration will, very fast, infect road transport. In general, the long term damage caused by deteriorating county roads to public, private and business vehicles increases vehicle repair costs, infects the economy of the transporters, takes from pocket books of private citizens and drains away tax dollars from other public needs.  Read More
Legislation proposed by the Dane County Towns Association (DCTA) commonly known as the “OPT-OUT” bill, or AB 563 & SB 479, is currently making its way through the Wisconsin General Assembly.
Dane County is the only large county in the state blocking towns from control over their own zoning matters and the Dane County Board will not surrender control over the rural towns.Read More

Since April 1, 1991, Dane County has collected an additional (.005) on top of the state sales tax of (.05). Since that time and according to Dane County’s Department of Administration Controller Division, $897,051,822.02 has been collected as of December 30, 2015. This county sales tax was originally proposed to pay for a new county jail. The jail expenditure has been paid off for years and, since the county’s portion of sales tax was never designated for any other specific purpose, all revenue collected has been deposited into the county’s general revenue fund. Read More 


In 2014, Dane County Town government’s local control was, again, under assault by the Dane County Board of Supervisors and the County Executive, using the issue of mineral extraction in the form of ordinance amendment (OA) 26. Read More


The Dane County Board previously adopted Resolution 88, 2010-2011. It endorsed the implementation of a trunked, digital, standards-based simulcast emergency radio system that features narrow-banding of the county’s VHF system and included modernization of the microwave backbone of the system, thus, creating a county-wide interoperable VHF-based emergency radio system known as DaneCom.  Read More

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