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John Brixy

for Dane County Supervisor, District 28


Tuesday,  April 5, 2016

"I'm supporting John Brixy for Dane County Supervisor in the April 5th election and urge your consideration of this fine candidate too. John, who serves today as a Town of Blue Mounds board member, is an experienced and well-spoken solid leader with sound ideas for limited government and a clear focus on preserving our local roads and infrastructure instead of frittering away our tax dollars. Since 1991, when Dane County enacted an additional sales tax (for the stated purpose of building a new jail), the Madison-controlled County Board has collected over $900 million dollars from that sales tax! That could have built a dozen jails for goodness sake! John Brixy won't put up with that kind of continued dishonesty in County government spending. Instead, he's put forth a common sense revenue sharing proposal, DANE$HARE, which would share a part of the existing County sales tax revenue with local Towns, Villages and Cities to help them avoid raising property taxes and to meet critical local infrastructure needs that are essential to our quality of life and economic development."  

                                                   Jonathan Barry,

                                                   Former Dane County Executive


Dane$hare an Idea Whose Time Has Come

DANESHARE is the proposed revenue sharing of Dane County’s portion of the sales tax (.005) with all municipalities in Dane County.


Since April 1, 1991, Dane County has collected an additional (.005) on top of the state sales tax of (.05). Since that time and according to Dane County’s Department of Administration Controller Division, $897,051,822.02 has been collected as of December 30, 2015. This county sales tax was originally proposed to pay for a new county jail. The jail expenditure has been paid off for years and, since the county’s portion of sales tax was never designated for any other specific purpose, all revenue collected has been deposited into the county’s general revenue fund.


Should my DANE$HARE proposal succeed, here are estimates of income to each Town and Village within the 28th, based upon the following parameters;


-Estimated Dane County sales tax collected during a twelve month period: $50 - $55 million.

-50% of estimates Dane County sales tax collected in a twelve month period: $25 - $27.5 million.

-Population of Dane County, United States Census Bureau Population estimates, July 1, 2014: 516,284

-Per capita value estimates: (LOW) $25M/516,284 = $48.42 (HIGH) $27.5M/516,284 = $53.26


Estimated amount of DANE$HARE money returned to each community in the 28th district based upon population listed in Dane County Directory 2015 – 2016, issued by Scott McDonell, Dane County Clerk:


Town of Berry, population 1138; (LOW) $55,102 (HIGH) $60,610


Town of Black Earth, population 484; (LOW) $23,435 (HIGH) $25,778


Town of Blue Mounds, population 976; (LOW) $47,258 (HIGH) $51,982


Town of Cross Plains, population 1,520; (LOW) $73,598 (HIGH) $80,955


Town of Mazomanie, population 1,091; (LOW) $52,826 (HIGH) $58,107


Town of Vermont, population 816; (LOW) `$39,511 (HIGH) $43,460


Village of Black Earth, population1, 352; (LOW) $65,464 (HIGH) $72,008


Village of Blue Mounds, population 883; (LOW) $42,755 (HIGH) $47,029


Village of Cross Plains, population 3,596; (LOW) $174,118 (HIGH) $191,523


Village of Mazomanie, population 1,664; (LOW) $80,571 (HIGH) $88,625




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