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I will campaign very hard to win this seat for hard working taxpayers, like yourself, and would appreciate any input you care to give.  I hope you will want to participate in my campaign, over the next few months. I believe, if many of us work together on this effort we will all be victorious in the end.


I have considerable experience in local government, a former elected Public Library District Trustee, Village Clerk and Town of Blue Mounds Board Supervisor since July, 2011. It is well known that I am fiercely independent, sometimes standing alone to vote my conscience and never wavering from my core principle of being beholden to no individual or special interest group. Rather, I consider myself accountable only to you, the taxpayers and residents of the 28th district.


Call me old fashioned, but I still believe that government’s main function is to protect its citizens. That is why the county board needs to focus on core public safety issues, such as increasing our rural patrol deputies, finally achieving a fully staffed 911 center, brining the DANECOM system to fruition and increasing repairs to our disintegrating county road system.


While the present County Board pushes for a possible 10+% increase in next year’s property tax levy, I’ve, instead, proposed returning a portion of existing county sales tax dollars to the towns, villages and cities via my “DANESHARE” proposal. I believe locally elected officials know better the needs of their residents and communities and are held more accountable through the local election process.


Finally, it’s only through true local control that each and every voice is heard and helps determine what is best for each town in rural Dane County. Town Board officials are our trusted lifelong friends and neighbors. They share the same land, drink the same water and breathe the same air as their fellow town residents. That is why I’ve supported the voluntary “Opt-Out” bill, AB 563 & SB 479, currently working its way through the state legislature, which will allow town boards to make their own zoning decisions instead of the Madison dominated Zoning and Land Regulation (ZLR) committee of the current county board.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m eager to represent you well and will always need to know your concerns.

"Call me old fashioned, but I still believe that government's main function is to protect its citizens."

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